ESP Transport
Track vehicle movements, predict future risks, get more accurate ETA and wait times.
Delays and confusion due to inaccurate ETA, routing information, terminal wait times, and disruptive conditions.
Get dynamic real-time accurate views of asset movement, potential issues, and cost saving alternatives leading to higher revenue gains through a simple interface.
Our ESP Transport Solution Offers:
Detailed Fleet Performance
Know when unplanned movements take place from terminal to terminal.
Receive alerts when anomalies are detected within the supply network.
Get detail leg breakouts.
Distinguish between paid and non-paid legs.
Understand movements and activities.
Get analysis of your fleet efficiencies.
Yard & Terminal Data
Get predictions on terminal wait times and turn times.
Get tracking of queue and dwell times.
Understand yard and terminal behaviors through real-time and predictive information.
Driver Movements
Understand driver movements inside and outside of areas of interest (e.g. geofences).
Link driver movements to assigned dispatching and associated loads.
Find patterns of inefficiency through historical and real-time data analytics.
Tracks and measures driver productivity.
Identifies known routes & efficiencies.
Dispatch View
Get an integrated view of daily dispatching activities.
Identify legs/movement at risk of missing appointment, security breaches, etc.
Have real-time alerting without the need for an additional mobile application.
Single Source of Truth
Monitor your supply chain operations through one simple and configurable interface.
Have a single source for operations- integrating your trucking systems into one view.
Understand how assets are interacting with each other.
Monitor assets with automated alerting and messaging.